Ode to a Career

26 years working for this organization, busting my ass 50-60 hours a week weekends, holidays, when ever I was needed.

Suffering through years of no leadership, inmates running the asylum, but trying to hold everything together because I actually care about the organization and what we are trying to do.

Finally, a new CEO is hired, The One that is going to lead us out of this morass.

The One that is going to recognize where the problems are and set plans in motion to fix them.

The One who is going to clear out all the deadwood and enable those of us who have toiled through this crap for so long the ability to move the organization forward and do a complete job for our "customers".

Unfortunately, the inmates get to the CEO first. I'm labeled part of the problem, not part of the solution.

So now I've been painted with a brush that colors everything about me to the CEO. Nothing I have done in the past, am doing now, or presumably going to do in the future makes any difference.

I've been put in a corner and made inconsequential. All the groundwork I've laid to move us forward is for naught.

New CEO tells me that "it isn't personal". She's just determined what is best for the organization and in her plan I'm not qualified to do the job anymore.

It may not be personal to her, but it sure is to me.

She's broken my heart and turned a dedicated, hard-working employee into just another slug putting in time until retirement.

Spring, 2008